Mcqs Clouds

She never understood me, whenever I said something.

A. Whenever I said something, I never understood by her.

B. Whenever I said something, I had never understood by her.

C. Whenever I said something, I was being never understood by her.

D. Whenever I said something I was never understood by her.

Related Questions on Chapter 1: Active & Passive Voice - English Grammar Mcqs for High School

He did not give up the fight even though he was badly bruised.

A. The fight did not give up by him even though he was badly bruised.

B. The fight had not given up by him even though he was badly bruised.

C. The fight was not given up by him even though he was badly bruised.

D. The fight was not being given up by him even though he was badly bruised.

We should avoid tranquilizer in order to have a good health.

A. Tranquilizer should avoided by us in order to have good health.

B. Tranquilizer should been avoided by us in order to have a good health.

C. Tranquilizer should be avoid by us in order to have a good health.

D. Tranquilizer should be avoided by us in order to have a good health.

When the men coughed he realized that the men were quite near to him.

A. When the men coughed it realized by him that the men were quiet near to him.

B. When the men coughed it had realized by him that the men were quite near to him.

C. When the men coughed it was realized by him that the men were quite near to him.

D. When the men coughed it is realized by him the men ere quite near to him.