2 successive discounts with the first being 20%, were given on a table having marked price of Rs. 6400. Finally it was sold for Rs. 4608. How much was the 2nd discount?

What will be angle between the two hands of a clock at 10.25 pm?

At what time after 9 am, do hands of clock make a right angle?

Average of 3 numbers is 87. The 1st number is 4 times the 2nd number and 5 times the 3rd number. What will be difference between first and third number?

What is increasing order of the fractions 14/17, 10/12, 6/7, 18/22?

In 3 fractions when the largest fraction is divided by smallest fraction, the result 5/4 is greater than the middle fraction by 1/2. If sum of the three fractions is 2(3/12) what will be the difference between largest and smallest fraction?

What least number when divided by 20, 48 and 36 leaves the remainders 13, 41 and 29, respectively?

What least number should be multiplied with 384 to make it a perfect square?

What is value of (13.8 x 1.9 ÷ 5.7 + 11.2 of (1/16) - (1/20))?

How much would be (n-m)/(n+m) , if 2.5m = 0.035n?